The room itself contains completely white furniture, including a television set, chairs, paintings, a gramophone, a chandelier, a turntable and a cupboard, as well as red books and sofa cushions. In the console/PC version of Sonic Generations, the Collection Room is a room with red walls and floors and a white door leading into it. The Collection Room, from the console/ PC version of Sonic Generations. In the console/PC version, it is referred to as the Collection Room while on the Nintendo 3DS version, it is just called Collection ( コレクション, Korekushon ?). In the console/ PC version and Nintendo 3DS version of Sonic Generations, the Collection Room makes a return appearance. Each profile can be unlocked by defeating the subject for the first time. It is split between " Dark Gaia's Minions" and " Eggman's Machinery".

Inside these rooms, the player can talk to Professor Pickle to receive instructions on where to go next, as well as gameplay hints. In gameplay, the Collection Rooms can be found inside the Town Stages of Spagonia and Shamar. Also, despite the game having two Collection Rooms, the collectibles displayed in them are shared between them, meaning neither of these rooms differ in content. It should be noted though that the Collection Room in Shamar is a bit more messy than its counterpart in Spagonia and includes furniture like an electric fan.

As such, these rooms look like neatly arranged offices with bookcases covering the walls, desks, European-inspired furniture, and other accessories befitting a university professor, like a miniature world globe. In this game, there are two Collection Rooms, namely in Spagonia and Shamar, both of which serve as Professor Pickle's study rooms. In the Xbox 360/ PlayStation 3 version of Sonic Unleashed, this location is referred to as both the Collection Room ( コレクションルーム, Korekushonrūmu ?) and the Professor's Room.