
How to get more source points divinity 2
How to get more source points divinity 2

how to get more source points divinity 2

Who knows maybe there are other ways to increase AP at high level with crazy items or source spells or what not because we have only seen 25% of the game (roughly according to Sven). You still have ways to increase AP as we have seen skills and traits. About the same in terms of action per turn on average. My point however is that combat change regarding AP is: Well you can like it more there is nothing wrong about it. It's easy to get confused between DOS1 DOS1EE DOS2.Īnd like Kalrakh I prefer having the freedom to increase my action points pool or not. I cleary said I was talking about DOS 1, not EE. Guess what? is it much stronger now in DOS 2 because the average spell usually cost 2 ap instead of 5 or 6, making one point less much more efficient.Īnd even if you have specific setup to cast 10 spells in DOS EE after fully buffed yourself and waited your turns to finally do something I wasn't saying it was impossible, what I am saying however is in general, every combat round you have about the same amount of action per turn as you previously had. You also have the trait elemental affinity in EE and DOS 2 reducing the cost of spell by one AP. Normal attack don't get AP reduced by stat nor spec, except for the dual wielding spec which I think is only in the Enhance Edition, which is the dumbed down version as you say? But increasing the spec further would not reduce it lower than its base cost. Well in EE you cannot reduce the AP cost with your stats and if you had higher spell cost if was because your skill was too low. Same went for normal attacks, you could make them less costexpensive aswell, if I'm not mistaken. There were a methods of lowering costs and cooldowns in D:OS1 depending on your stats, not sure if depending on your skill tree aswell.

How to get more source points divinity 2